My name is Shawn
Sheppard and I would like to submit a poem created by my mother as a memorial
tribute to her mother. She (my mother) has always had a natural talent
for creative writing; this piece is one of the most uplifting that I feel she
has created. The poem was created by her; the first paragraph was a
quotation from an unknown source that inspired her to create the rest.
It was placed in our local newspaper as a tribute to my dear grandmother whom
we lost to an auto accident on November 18, 1998. I have several copies
of this poem stationed in various places in my home and have always felt that
it deserves to be read and admired by any and all in need of a little
inspiration to their life. Please post this to your database; I am
so proud of the work that my mother created. This poem is worthy of as
much acknowledgement and praise as I give it. Thank you, Shawn Sheppard
"Dancing With The Angels"
"You must understand the whole of life --
not just one little
part of it. That is why you must sing,
that is why you
must dance and read and look at the skies.
That is why you
must have compassion, laughter, joy and sorrow
- and
understand, for all of that is life."
Travel lightly through this life - carry a clear
conscience and
soft heart so the soul may survive. Speak
the truth quietly
and clearly in this world - for truth is far
louder than
deceit, and is welcomed in the place of the
angels, while
deceit is worthy of only ignorant listeners.
Rejoice in the blessing of the breeze, rather than
curse the wind. Listen to the sound of
silence - the
breeze sounds the windchimes to remind us that
we are never alone - whether acting in good or
malice. Follow your chosen path carefully -
handle your responsibilities honestly. Waste
no time on
prejudice of any kind, for you will be held
The spirit has no color, scars, gender or
Stand tall for the meek and less able and know
that their true
worth is like that of diamonds, while their
tormentors are like that of cracked glass.
Teach your
children well - and know that we are only in this
for a flutter of an angel's wings - so be at peace
with God
at all times and in the noisy confusion of this
keep peace in your own soul, so that you too
may go on to dance with the angels.
by Colette Hobbs, November, 1999
(written as a tribute to her mother and
posted in the HERALD COASTER newspaper)
** Note - First Paragraph ( in quotation ) was collected from an unknown
source (author unknown).
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