
by Terri Althoff


Faith is being sure of what

we hope for and

certain of what we do

not see.


In times of trouble

Keep on pushing forward

Pray until something happens

Faith is the belief that prayer is

answered if you only believe


Faith is never giving up hope

Hope is having the faith to endure

Endurance is having the faith to persevere

Perseverance is keeping the faith in times of trouble.


God gives us a faith

that is unseen, but believed

A faith that brings sunshine to our rain

A faith that is more beautiful than the sunset

Faith in an understanding that he is God

And a faith to know that he is in control

And will never leave your side.


Keeping the faith

Is a blessing of the

life that one has on this earth

 and the assurance of eternal life in our Heavenly kingdom.


Faith, the gift of hope, restoration and salvation.

For all who chose to receive it.

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