The Resilient Web
Sometimes I think that love
is really all there is that matters,
And sometimes that doesn't seem
like nearly enough.
But I've discovered we can weave
ourselves a web
with filaments of hope and love,
shared with other human, imperfect
equally vulnerable people ~ ~
a resilient safety net which can
help absorb the shocks and stresses of our lives.
This tapestry can also make a warm
blanket of love
to cover us when the chill winds of fear blow ~ ~
A blanket that reminds us we don't
ever have to face
our troubles entirely alone.
We may not be able to "kiss it
and make it ALL better"
for one another, but we can take hands,
lean on one another, and share our
experience, strength and hope along the way.
Pat Becker
The Self-Help Umbrella
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