"U never said good bye"

by Nishi Kamran


You were taken away in such a hurry

just the other day.

God must have needed you,

And of course with you, followed Corday.

Your body may be gone, but

Your souls still remain

here on earth to partake in all

That is left for you to do and see

You taught the world so much,

How to persevere and never give up

You walked with your head, held so high

So independent and so strong


Now we can hear you

As you tell us good bye

We will miss you, but not for long

Because, now we know where to go

to see you.

We can reach into our memories

And there you are

Whenever we want


Yes death leaves a heartache no one can heal,

But, love leaves a memory non can steal.


Gone, but never forgotten

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