slang, idiom and cliche 
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all dressed up and nowhere to go
all that glitters is not gold
all in a day's work
all or nothing
an apple a day keeps the doctor
an arm and a leg
as brown as a berry any port in a storm
as neat as a pin
born with a silver spoon in
your mouth
beauty is only skin deep
big as a house
breath of fresh air
by the skin of your teeth
back to the drawing board
burn the midnight oilbusy
as a one-armed paper hanger
clear as a bell
cute as a button
chip off the old block
chip on your shoulder
clean as a whistle
cold as ice
cat has got your tongue
chew the cud
a cakewalk
crystal clear
crack of dawn
don't look a gift horse in
the mouth
down my alley
don't count your chickens before
they hatch
easy as pie
early bird gets the worm
egged on
feet of clay
fresh as a daisy
free as a bird
faster than a speeding bullet
foot in your mouth
for Pete's sake
fall fast asleep
fork over
forever in a day
fifth wheel
first class
got my fingers crossed
green with envy
get your feet wet
good as done
higher than a kite
hit the books
hit the motherload
hot as fire
if it were a snake, it would
bite you
there's a will, there's a way
it's never over until it's
in the doghouse
jack of all trades
kill two birds with one stone
lame duck
light as a feather
learn the ropes
life is a bowl of cherries
lick the red off the candy
like a broken record
like father, like son
lap of luxury
let one's hair down
letter perfect
mother hen
not worth a pretty penny
necessity is the mother of
not turn a hair
once in a blue moon
on the other hand
once in a lifetime
one in a million
over the hill
on the tip of your tongue
on an even keel
piece of cake
pretty as a picture
a picture is worth a thousand
pot shot
quiet as a mouse
raining cats and dogs
the rat race has begun
run of the mill
rule of thumb
silly as a goose
straight from the horse's mouth
smart cookie
speak of the devil
sitting duck
sitting pretty
shake a leg
sly as a fox
simple as sugar
shoot the breeze
stick your neck out
slow as molasses in January
sleep like a top
shot in the dark
taken to the woodshed
turn over the applecart
tall as a tree
touch and go
tall tale
take a raincheck
tear one's hair out
up in the air
ugly duckling
up the creek without a paddle
under the weather
up to one's ears
he world's my oyster
wet behind the ears
wise as an owl
with a fine tooth comb
wealth of knowledge
water under the bridgeyou
should quit while you're ahead
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