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January 3, 2000

Dear Subscriber,

Hello and Happy Year 2000!

Please take time to enjoy each of the quotes below:

Virtue is bold, and goodness never forgetful.

True courage is like a kite; a big wind raises it higher.
-J. Petit-Senn

He whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.
-Thomas Paine

The great strength of a country lies in the true sense of loyalty it can arouse in the hearts of its people.
-Louis C. Gerstein

The workshop of character is everyday life.  The uneventful and commonplace hour is where the battle is lost or won.
-Maltbie D. Babcock

Your ToInspire Team Andy, Holly, Jack and Maui

Have A Great Week!!! 

Previous newsletters:  7/8/99, 7/15/99, 7/22/99, 7/29/99, 8/5/99, 8/12/99, 8/19/99, 8/26/99, 9/2/99, 9/9/99, 9/16/99, 9/23/99, 9/30/99, 10/8/99, 10/15/99, 10/18/99, 10/21/99, 10/25/99, 10/28/99, 11/1/99, 11/4/99, 11/8/99, 11/11/99, 11/15/99, 11/18/99, 11/22/99, 11/25/99, 11/29/99, 12/2/99, 12/6/99, 12/9/99, 12/13/99, 12/16/99, 12/20/99, 12/23/99, 12/27/99, 12/30/99